Sunday, May 11, 2014

Fantasy Faire 2014 - The Weight Of Gold

Zacharael was a minor angel for a few million years and he was happy with that. His duties were simple... looking after an elder lady, helping a small child, now and then rescuing a particularly faithful and beloved pet dog. In his free time he was bored... until he discovered how much fun self-pampering was. Oh, those soft shoes, the jewellery, the various helmets and belts... Zacharael's outfit became more and more ornate every day.
Fantasy Faire 2014 - The Weight Of Gold
Then, quite unexpectedly, he received a letter from Above. A promotion to the position of "major angel". He was to report for service at the Pearly Gates. Zacharael grinned and prepared himself for the flight... only that he discovered he couldn't leave Earth. The weight of gold was pulling him down.
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw "that" cottage in Blackwater Glen... the Alpha Tribe at the Fantasy Faire?! The Alpha Tribe avatars are among my absolute favourites since my Day One in SL (and that wasn't yesterday), so I'm particularly happy that Alpha Auer decided to be present and show her amazing creations among the fantasy folk.
At the same time I'm cheating a bit because the stunning avatar I'm showing you here isn't available at the Faire, but you must go to "Transit't - Imago Anatopism" to immerse yourself in the story of Volund, told by Alpha Auer and Mimesis Monday, and collect his avatar piece by piece. The build is an absolute "must" for anyone appreciating SL art and - luckily - so many other bloggers have called your attention to it, among others here and here; I'm only repeating their suggestion: Go and be overwhelmed!
The picture was taken at The Sanctum.

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